030709 #EraserheadsTheFinalSet
7, 2009 - My first Eheads concert after a loooooonggg time. And long
means really long since the last time I saw them live on-stage was way
back in high school when they performed at our annual small variety show
during the Miriam High School Fair. Nung high school, sa auditorium
lang sila nagperform, infront of hundreds of teenagers. We were jumping
up and down as Alapaap was played, enjoying every beat, singing along
with them lyric for lyric. Fast forward to 2009, more than a decade
later (naku, bukingan na ng age..), and I'm in my last few months of
internship in medschool. Our rotation was pediatrics and I really
requested our interns' monitor.."please, wag mo akong ilagay na duty sa
March 7. Okay lang postduty (medyo bangag nga lang ang feeling after,
but I'll take it), pwede na din ang pre
duty, wag lang duty!" And luckily my request was granted. Arriving at
the concert grounds, nakakatindig balahibo (yes...:D) kasi THIS IS IT!
ERASERHEADS concert! Who would have thought that they'll perform again
as a group after the break-up? And after what happened in the reunion
concert. They say lightning doesn't strike twice, but we were given a
2nd chance to see them again and I'm glad I was there to witness it.
Parang back to my high school days, jumping up and down during songs
like Magasin, Toyang, singing every lyric along with the band and all
the other people beside me. But this time, hindi lang hundreds of
people, but thousands and thousands more! Di magkakakilala, but singing
as one. Astig diba? It was great doing the tribute to the late, great,
Mr. Francis M. together with the millions of people in the concert
ground. My friends and I were overwhelmed with the adrenalin and emotion
during and after the concert. Wala yatang nakatulog afterwards! It was
truly a great concert, one for the history books. I'm sure everyone who
attended it have their own great story to tell. It was a great escape
from reality, at least 2 hours of great music, singing the songs that I
grew up with na pinapatugtog sa radyo, casette at cd. After that night,
we had to go back to the hustle and bustle of hospital life, but this
experience is really something I'm going to treasure for a very very
very long time :)

4 years ago. We were there...somewhere! Sana maulit muli (with Ethel Solon, Cindy Sotalbo and Charisse Te)
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